Physik Department E22
Technische Universität München
James-Franck-Str. 1
85748 Garching
Room 3111
+49 89 289 124 95
Physik Department E22
Technische Universität München
James-Franck-Str. 1
85748 Garching
Room 3111
+49 89 289 124 95
Thomas Suren
Thomas Suren

M.A. Bodescu, J. Aretz, M. Grison, M. Rief, and Reinhard Fässler
Kindlin stabilizes the talin-integrin bond under mechanical load by generating an ideal bond.
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2023; 120: e2218116120
Moessmer, P., Suren, T., Majdic, U., Dahiya, V., Rutz, D., Buchner, J., and Rief, M.
Active unfolding of the glucocorticoid receptor by the Hsp70/Hsp40 chaperone system in single-molecule mechanical experiments.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2022; 119: e2119076119
Dahiya, V., Rutz, D.A., Moessmer, P., Muhlhofer, M., Lawatscheck, J., Rief, M., and Buchner, J.
The switch from client holding to folding in the Hsp70/Hsp90 chaperone machineries is regulated by a direct interplay between co-chaperones.
Mol Cell 2022; 82: 1543-1556 e1546
Jones, A.N., Walbrun, A., Falleroni, F., Rief, M., and Sattler, M.
Conformational Effects of a Cancer-Linked Mutation in Pri-miR-30c RNA.
J Mol Biol 2022; 434: 167705
Singh, A., Rief, M., and Zoldak, G.
Direct observation of chemo-mechanical coupling in DnaK by single-molecule force experiments.
Biophys J 2022; 121: 4729-4739
Synakewicz, M., Eapen, R.S., Perez-Riba, A., Rowling, P.J.E., Bauer, D., Weissl, A., Fischer, G., Hyvonen, M., Rief, M., Itzhaki, L.S., et al.
Unraveling the Mechanics of a Repeat-Protein Nanospring: From Folding of Individual Repeats to Fluctuations of the Superhelix.
ACS Nano 2022; 16: 3895-3905
Tych, K., and Rief, M.
Using Single-Molecule Optical Tweezers to Study the Conformational Cycle of the Hsp90 Molecular Chaperone.
Methods Mol Biol 2022; 2478: 401-425
Sengupta, A., Rognoni, L.E., Merkel, U., Zoldak, G., and Rief, M.
SlyD Accelerates trans-to-cis Prolyl Isomerization in a Mechanosignaling Protein under Load.
J Phys Chem B
Sengupta, A., and Rief, M.
Energy landscapes of fast-folding proteins pushing the limits of atomic force microscope (AFM) pulling.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2021; 118
Synakewicz, M.,Bauer, D.,Rief M.,Itzhaki, S.,
Bioorthogonal protein-DNA conjugation methods for force spectroscopy
Girstmair, H.,Tippel, F., Lopez A., Tych, K., Stein, F., Haberkant, P., Schmid, Ph., W., N., Helm, D., Rief, M., Sattler, M., Buchner, J.,
The Hsp90 isoforms from S. cerevisiae differ in structure, function and client range
Nature Communications
Meinhold, S.,Bauer, D.,Huber, J.,Merkel U.,Weissl, A.,Zoldak, G. u. Rief, M.
An Active, Ligand-Responsive Pulling Geometry Reports on Internal Signaling between Subdomains of the DnaK Nucleotide-Binding Domain in Single-Molecule Mechanical Experiments
Rognoni, L.;Most, T.;Zoldak, G.;Rief, M.
Force-dependent isomerization kinetics of a highly conserved proline switch modulates the mechanosensing region of filamin
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Ramm, B.;Stigler, J.;Hinczewski, M.;Thirumalai, D.;Herrmann, H.;Woehlke, G.;Rief, M.
Sequence-resolved free energy profiles of stress-bearing vimentin intermediate filaments
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Jahn, M.;Rehn, A.;Pelz, B.;Hellenkamp, B.;Richter, K.;Rief, M.;Buchner, J.;Hugel, T.
The charged linker of the molecular chaperone Hsp90 modulates domain contacts and biological function
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Jahn, M.;Tych, K.;Girstmair, H.;Steinmassl, M.;Hugel, T.;Buchner, J.;Rief, M.
Folding and Domain Interactions of Three Orthologs of Hsp90 Studied by Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy
Bauer, D.;Meinhold, S.;Jakob, R. P.;Stigler, J.;Merkel, U.;Maier, T.;Rief, M.;Zoldak, G.
A folding nucleus and minimal ATP binding domain of Hsp70 identified by single-molecule force spectroscopy
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Suren, T.;Rutz, D.;Mossmer, P.;Merkel, U.;Buchner, J.;Rief, M.
Single-molecule force spectroscopy reveals folding steps associated with hormone binding and activation of the glucocorticoid receptor
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Tych, K. M.;Jahn, M.;Gegenfurtner, F.;Hechtl, V. K.;Buchner, J.;Hugel, T.;Rief, M.
Nucleotide-Dependent Dimer Association and Dissociation of the Chaperone Hsp90
J Phys Chem B
Tych,K.: Jahn,M.; Girstmair H.; Hugel, T.; Buchner, J.; Rief, M.
Unravelling the Mechanics of a Molecular Chaperone
Biophysical Journal 114 (3), 552a
Ringer, P.;Weissl, A.;Cost, A. L.;Freikamp, A.;Sabass, B.;Mehlich, A.;Tramier, M.;Rief, M.;Grashoff, C.
Multiplexing molecular tension sensors reveals piconewton force gradient across talin-1
Nat Methods
Ganim, Z.;Rief, M.
Mechanically switching single-molecule fluorescence of GFP by unfolding and refolding
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Rief, M.;Muller, D. J.
Special issue: Biomolecular forces
J Struct Biol
Mandal, S. S.;Merz, D. R.;Buchsteiner, M.;Dima, R. I.;Rief, M.;Zoldak, G.
Nanomechanics of the substrate binding domain of Hsp70 determine its allosteric ATP-induced conformational change
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Grison, M.;Merkel, U.;Kostan, J.;Djinovic-Carugo, K.;Rief, M.
alpha-Actinin/titin interaction: A dynamic and mechanically stable cluster of bonds in the muscle Z-disk
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Jahn, M.;Buchner, J.;Hugel, T.;Rief, M.
Folding and assembly of the large molecular machine Hsp90 studied in single-molecule experiments
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Pelz, B.;Zoldak, G.;Zeller, F.;Zacharias, M.;Rief, M.
Subnanometre enzyme mechanics probed by single-molecule force spectroscopy
Nat Commun
Kilchherr, F.;Wachauf, C.;Pelz, B.;Rief, M.;Zacharias, M.;Dietz, H.
Single-molecule dissection of stacking forces in DNA
Ziegler, F.;Lim, N. C.;Mandal, S. S.;Pelz, B.;Ng, W. P.;Schlierf, M.;Jackson, S. E.;Rief, M.
Knotting and unknotting of a protein in single molecule experiments
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Hocking, H. G.;Hase, F.;Madl, T.;Zacharias, M.;Rief, M.;Zoldak, G.
A Compact Native 24-Residue Supersecondary Structure Derived from the Villin Headpiece Subdomain
Biophys J
Bauer, D.;Merz, D. R.;Pelz, B.;Theisen, K. E.;Yacyshyn, G.;Mokranjac, D.;Dima, R. I.;Rief, M.;Zoldak, G.
Nucleotides regulate the mechanical hierarchy between subdomains of the nucleotide binding domain of the Hsp70 chaperone DnaK
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Stigler, J.;Rief, M.
Ligand-Induced Changes of the Apparent Transition-State Position in Mechanical Protein Unfolding
Biophys J
Austen, K.;Ringer, P.;Mehlich, A.;Chrostek-Grashoff, A.;Kluger, C.;Klingner, C.;Sabass, B.;Zent, R.;Rief, M.;Grashoff, C.
Extracellular rigidity sensing by talin isoform-specific mechanical linkages
Nat Cell Biol
Rognoni, L.;Most, T.;Zoldak, G.;Rief, M.
Force-dependent isomerization kinetics of a highly conserved proline switch modulates the mechanosensing region of filamin
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Ramm, B.;Stigler, J.;Hinczewski, M.;Thirumalai, D.;Herrmann, H.;Woehlke, G.;Rief, M.
Sequence-resolved free energy profiles of stress-bearing vimentin intermediate filaments
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Jahn, M.;Rehn, A.;Pelz, B.;Hellenkamp, B.;Richter, K.;Rief, M.;Buchner, J.;Hugel, T.
The charged linker of the molecular chaperone Hsp90 modulates domain contacts and biological function
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Hinczewski, M.;Gebhardt, J. C.;Rief, M.;Thirumalai, D.
From mechanical folding trajectories to intrinsic energy landscapes of biopolymers
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Zoldak, G.;Rief, M.
Force as a single molecule probe of multidimensional protein energy landscapes
Curr Opin Struct Biol
Zoldak, G.;Stigler, J.;Pelz, B.;Li, H.;Rief, M.
Ultrafast folding kinetics and cooperativity of villin headpiece in single-molecule force spectroscopy
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Fang, J.;Mehlich, A.;Koga, N.;Huang, J.;Koga, R.;Gao, X.;Hu, C.;Jin, C.;Rief, M.;Kast, J.;Baker, D.;Li, H.
Forced protein unfolding leads to highly elastic and tough protein hydrogels
Nat Commun
Pfitzner, E.;Wachauf, C.;Kilchherr, F.;Pelz, B.;Shih, W. M.;Rief, M.;Dietz, H.
Rigid DNA beams for high-resolution single-molecule mechanics
Angew Chem Int Ed Engl
Bertz, M.;Buchner, J.;Rief, M.
Mechanical stability of the antibody domain CH3 homodimer in different oxidation states
J Am Chem Soc
Pinotsis, N.;Chatziefthimiou, S. D.;Berkemeier, F.;Beuron, F.;Mavridis, I. M.;Konarev, P. V.;Svergun, D. I.;Morris, E.;Rief, M.;Wilmanns, M.
Superhelical architecture of the Myosin filament-linking protein myomesin with unusual elastic properties
PLoS Biol
Brunnbauer, M.;Dombi, R.;Ho, T. H.;Schliwa, M.;Rief, M.;Okten, Z.
Torque generation of Kinesin motors is governed by the stability of the neck domain
Mol Cell
von Hansen, Y.;Mehlich, A.;Pelz, B.;Rief, M.;Netz, R. R.
Auto- and cross-power spectral analysis of dual trap optical tweezer experiments using Bayesian inference
Rev Sci Instrum
Rognoni, L.;Stigler, J.;Pelz, B.;Ylanne, J.;Rief, M.
Dynamic force sensing of filamin revealed in single-molecule experiments
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Stigler, J.;Rief, M.
Hidden Markov analysis of trajectories in single-molecule experiments and the effects of missed events
Stigler, J.;Rief, M.
Calcium-dependent folding of single calmodulin molecules
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Berkemeier, F.;Bertz, M.;Xiao, S.;Pinotsis, N.;Wilmanns, M.;Grater, F.;Rief, M.
Fast-folding {alpha}-helices as reversible strain absorbers in the muscle protein myomesin
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Stigler, J.;Ziegler, F.;Gieseke, A.;Gebhardt, J. C.;Rief, M.
The complex folding network of single calmodulin molecules
2010 and older
Junker, J. P.;Rief, M.
Evidence for a broad transition-state ensemble in calmodulin folding from single-molecule force spectroscopy
Angew Chem Int Ed Engl
Yew, Z. T.;Schlierf, M.;Rief, M.;Paci, E.
Direct evidence of the multidimensionality of the free-energy landscapes of proteins revealed by mechanical probes
Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys
Gebhardt, J. C. M.;Okten, Z.;Rief, M.
The Lever Arm Effects a Mechanical Asymmetry of the Myosin-V-Actin Bond
Biophysical Journal
Gebhardt, J. C.;Bornschlogl, T.;Rief, M.
Full distance-resolved folding energy landscape of one single protein molecule
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Pernigo, S.;Fukuzawa, A.;Bertz, M.;Holt, M.;Rief, M.;Steiner, R. A.;Gautel, M.
Structural insight into M-band assembly and mechanics from the titin-obscurin-like-1 complex
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Brunnbauer, M.;Mueller-Planitz, F.;Kosem, S.;Ho, T. H.;Dombi, R.;Gebhardt, J. C.;Rief, M.;Okten, Z.
Regulation of a heterodimeric kinesin-2 through an unprocessive motor domain that is turned processive by its partner
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Bertz, M.;Chen, J.;Feige, M. J.;Franzmann, T. M.;Buchner, J.;Rief, M.
Structural and mechanical hierarchies in the alpha-crystallin domain dimer of the hyperthermophilic small heat shock protein Hsp16.5
J Mol Biol
Schlierf, M.;Yew, Z. T.;Rief, M.;Paci, E.
Complex unfolding kinetics of single-domain proteins in the presence of force
Biophys J
Bornschlogl, T.;Gebhardt, J. C.;Rief, M.
Designing the Folding Mechanics of Coiled Coils
Bornschlogl, T.;Anstrom, D. M.;Mey, E.;Dzubiella, J.;Rief, M.;Forest, K. T.
Tightening the knot in phytochrome by single-molecule atomic force microscopy
Biophys J
Schlierf, M.;Rief, M.
Surprising simplicity in the single-molecule folding mechanics of proteins
Angew Chem Int Ed Engl
Bertz, M.;Wilmanns, M.;Rief, M.
The titin-telethonin complex is a directed, superstable molecular bond in the muscle Z-disk
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Gebhardt, JCM.;Rief, M.
Biochemistry. Force signaling in biology
Bertz, M.;Rief, M.
Ligand binding mechanics of maltose binding protein
J Mol Biol
Adio, S.;Jaud, J.;Ebbing, B.;Rief, M.;Woehlke, G.
Dissection of Kinesin's Processivity
Bornschlogl, T.;Woehlke, G.;Rief, M.
Single molecule mechanics of the kinesin neck
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Junker, J. P.;Rief, M.
Single-molecule force spectroscopy distinguishes target binding modes of calmodulin
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Junker, J. P.;Ziegler, F.;Rief, M.
Ligand-dependent equilibrium fluctuations of single calmodulin molecules
Bertz, M.;Rief, M.
Mechanical Unfoldons as Building Blocks of Maltose-binding Protein
J Mol Biol
Dietz, H.;Rief, M.
Elastic bond network model for protein unfolding mechanics
Phys Rev Lett
Bertz, M.;Kunfermann, A.;Rief, M.
Navigating the folding energy landscape of green fluorescent protein
Angew Chem Int Ed Engl
Bornschlogl, T.;Rief, M.
Single-molecule dynamics of mechanical coiled-coil unzipping
Cappello, G.;Pierobon, P.;Symonds, C.;Busoni, L.;Gebhardt, J. C.;Rief, M.;Prost, J.
Myosin V stepping mechanism
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Dietz, H.;Bornschlogl, T.;Heym, R.;Konig, F.;Rief, M.
Programming protein self assembly with coiled coils
New Journal of Physics
Schlierf, M.;Berkemeier, F.;Rief, M.
Direct Observation of Active Protein Folding Using Lock-in Force Spectroscopy
Biophys J
Mickler, M.;Dima, R. I.;Dietz, H.;Hyeon, C.;Thirumalai, D.;Rief, M.
Revealing the bifurcation in the unfolding pathways of GFP by using single-molecule experiments and simulations
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Khaire, N.;Muller, R.;Blau-Wasser, R.;Eichinger, L.;Schleicher, M.;Rief, M.;Holak, T. A.;Noegel, A. A.
Filamin-regulated F-actin assembly is essential for morphogenesis and controls phototaxis in Dictyostelium
J Biol Chem
Dietz, H.;Rief, M.
Detecting molecular fingerprints in single molecule force spectroscopy using pattern recognition
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1-Regular Papers Brief Communications & Review Papers
Jaud, J.;Bathe, F.;Schliwa, M.;Rief, M.;Woehlke, G.
Flexibility of the neck domain enhances Kinesin-1 motility under load
Biophys J
Gebhardt, J. C.;Clemen, A. E.;Jaud, J.;Rief, M.
Myosin-V is a mechanical ratchet
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Schlierf, M.;Rief, M.
Single-molecule unfolding force distributions reveal a funnel-shaped energy landscape
Biophys J
Rief, M.;Junker, J. P.;Schlierf, M.;Hell, K.;Neupert, W.
Response to the Comment by Ainavarapu et al
Biophys J
Dietz, H.;Bertz, M.;Schlierf, M.;Berkemeier, F.;Bornschlogl, T.;Junker, J. P.;Rief, M.
Cysteine engineering of polyproteins for single-molecule force spectroscopy
Nat Protoc
Berkemeier, F.;Schlierf, M.;Rief, M.
Mechanically controlled preparation of protein intermediates in single molecule experiments
Bornschlogl, T.;Rief, M.
Single molecule unzipping of coiled coils: sequence resolved stability profiles
Phys Rev Lett
Dietz, H.;Berkemeier, F.;Bertz, M.;Rief, M.
Anisotropic deformation response of single protein molecules
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Dietz, H.;Rief, M.
Protein structure by mechanical triangulation
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Junker, J. P.;Hell, K.;Schlierf, M.;Neupert, W.;Rief, M.
Influence of substrate binding on the mechanical stability of mouse dihydrofolate reductase
Biophysical Journal
Hugel, T.;Rief, M.;Seitz, M.;Gaub, H. E.;Netz, R. R.
Highly stretched single polymers: Atomic-force-microscope experiments versus ab-initio theory
Physical Review Letters
Kufer, S. K.;Dietz, H.;Albrecht, C.;Blank, K.;Kardinal, A.;Rief, M.;Gaub, H. E.
Covalent immobilization of recombinant fusion proteins with hAGT for single molecule force spectroscopy
European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters
Schwaiger, I.;Schleicher, M.;Noegel, A. A.;Rief, M.
The folding pathway of a fast-folding immunoglobulin domain revealed by single-molecule mechanical experiments
Embo Reports
Schlierf, M.;Rief, M.
Temperature Softening of a Protein in Single-molecule Experiments
J Mol Biol
Clemen, A. E. M.;Vilfan, M.;Jaud, J.;Zhang, J. S.;Barmann, M.;Rief, M.
Force-dependent stepping kinetics of myosin-V
Biophysical Journal
Schwaiger, I.;Kardinal, A.;Schleicher, M.;Noegel, A. A.;Rief, M.
A mechanical unfolding intermediate in an actin-crosslinking protein
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology
Dietz, H.;Rief, M.
Exploring the energy landscape of GFP by single-molecule mechanical experiments
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Zhuang, X. W.;Rief, M.
Single-molecule folding
Current Opinion in Structural Biology
Krautbauer, R.;Rief, M.;Gaub, H. E.
Unzipping DNA oligomers
Nano Letters
Schwaiger, I.;Sattler, C.;Hostetter, D. R.;Rief, M.
The myosin coiled-coil is a truly elastic protein structure
Nature Materials
Rief, M.;Grubmuller, H.
Force spectroscopy of single biomolecules
Clausen-Schaumann, H.;Rief, M.;Seitz, M.
Artificial noses sniff DNA